Hi, I’m Kate Hook. Your community independent candidate who knows we can do politics differently, because Calare deserves better.
In Calare, we love where we live: our vivid seasons, year-round beauty, vibrant food and culture set against a landscape of ranges and vineyards that keep visitors coming back for more. We value our family life, a sense of community and strong local industries. We want these things to be here for generations to come. But we will not reach our potential, solve our challenges or reverse the slide in our standard of living by voting for more of the same party-dominated politics that puts too much power in the hands of industry lobbyists and corporations at the expense of local business and everyday people.
Our campaign is all about embracing the values of community connection, lending a hand, looking out for each other, sharing what you have, being “real” about the challenges we face and rolling up our sleeves to meet them. We’re all about planting seeds for current and future generations to prosper.
This election, choose a leader who has the courage of their convictions – who says what they mean, and does what they say. Who’s here for the right reasons and focused on the future. Who will put people before the party; representing them, and only them.
We know that if we vote the same, we get the same. So this election, choose a fresh start for Calare.
Change starts here!